"I'm A 90,60 And 90".

Funny title again I know,😎( I have a thing for eye-catching headings). At least, now I know I got your attention!
I am pleased to welcome you into the last body shape series we'll be looking at for a while on this page. It's been an amiable body and style awareness journey. 
I commend you ladies. 
We have been through the inverted triangle, pear and apple shapes. 
Today, we move on to the most popular, most celebrated and most envied body shape of the 21st century; "the hourglass shape, a.k.a the 90-60-90".😋 If you are in this category, you'll notice couple of agreeable things about your body;
- you have large busts
-you have large and fairly wide hips
-your curves are killer! -your waist is on the thin side
-your fashion designer uses the same measurement for your hips and busts while making outfits(if not, I am now your new fashion designer, period!). Are you agreeing with all the above? Sister bless us, you're the real MVP .😪
Well, most ladies in this category are happy about what they look like. 
Another set of ladies totally totally hate it! 
Surprised right? What category are you? 
You know Ehseei_Couture is one fashion platform that encourages self-love a whole lot. 
You are your own version of you. Your clothes and accessories do not define you in any way, rather it's vice versa. 
You may get comments like "Oh My God, you're super hot! I'd die for a waist like yours. "
Or... Comments like, "Why can't you still wear the right clothes with a shape as perfect as yours? "
It's alright. Worry no more. Ehseeei is here. 
In the next series, I'd be letting out exclusive tips on how to dress up this your perfect body in conventional and unconventional ways. 
Don't forget to be on the look out for the next article alert. 
Meanwhile, let me go and finish up a couple of outfits for you all.

PS. I'm not too busy to take your orders alright. 
Peace....women. 😎
HOUR GLASS BODY SHAPE HOUR GLASS BODY SHAPE Reviewed by Ehseei™ on September 14, 2019 Rating: 5

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