"Slaying With My Amazeballs Inverted Triangle Shape"

Greetings from our side of the world! How weekend dey go?
So, yesterday we enjoyed ourselves a little bit by exploring the intricacies that come along with having a body shape as the "Inverted Triangle/Carrot". The aim of all that gist yesterday was to get you used to the fact that it is not a curse to have broad and sexy shoulders which are not proportional to your hips. In fact, it is a "slay blessing". We would like to introduce to you,what we call the "thou shall" of this particular body shape. We'll advice you to join this train because it's moving at the moment!
- Thou shall always intentionally wear dark colors on the top half of your body. Dark colors have the somewhat evil magic of being able to portray an object as oblivious and almost unnoticeable. Guess what happens to your shoulders? Their disproportionate broadness becomes less obvious! - Thou shall stick to picking up only unpatterned tops from the clothing store. The reverse may be suicidal. Reason being that, patterns, either horizontal or vertical have different uses. These patterns are used to enhance body shapes so you can only wear them on the lower part of your body. No, no, no. Don't argue.

To be continued.........
INVERTED TRIANGLE 0.1 INVERTED TRIANGLE 0.1 Reviewed by Ehseei™ on September 14, 2019 Rating: 5

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